— wegorythm

Tag "Digital Commons"

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„Clusters and Crystals
Observing at Point Zero“

„We undertake to Observe at Point Zero drawing on the genealogy of a method in which “no universal cartography exists”, in order to open up a field of generative pragmatics in which art practices can be seen as transversal tools for social change that can dissolve in the existing context as they externalize and modulate it and can productively cast new bridges to reconnect the land-space-town.
Clusters and Crystals both refer to our immaterial and environmental commons and the “immeasurability of the common, which constitutes the very fabric of the making and unmaking of being. [218fde]


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Unsave the world. Touch, relief, (fatigue), Dear my Reader, drop in, take a minute or two to accept my sincere apology for my complaining in my last article and leave you without consolence over the period of an intensive summer in which we had experienced many obstacles, many changes in altitude and weather conditions, just to name a few.


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